When you own a business, be it big or small, you always try to put your best foot forward. Unfortunately, problems do occur from time to time. When a problem arises, you do your best to resolve it with the least amount of damage. There are times, however, when it is...
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Business Litigation
What are unfair business practices?
Some see business as a "dog-eat-dog" world where anything goes. The law does not. While competitiveness can be crucial to succeed, you need to ensure you do not infringe the rules of the game. Even if you do not, others may still accuse you of doing so out of...
What to keep in mind when choosing a business partner
There is a moment when you have your idea for a new business where you get excited about the future and what you can do. Your product or service could be something that makes life better for you and your community. As you get ready to launch your vision, you know you...
The fundamentals of a partnership agreement
Perhaps you have gone alone so far in your business and sudden expansion requires you to bring on more bodies to help out? Maybe you’ve always dreamed of going into business with a former co-worker? In either case, you might be thinking about a business partnership....
How can you know it’s time to end a partnership?
Developing a business with a partner can be exciting. As the company grows, you envision the future working together to build the business. The signals may be subtle at first, but at some point, you may start to consider that the partnership is not going how you...
Which structure is right for your business?
Running a business can be rewarding both in terms of finances and your personal goals. However, it is no easy task. There are various moving parts to consider to ensure that your company remains profitable at all times. One of the more important decisions you will...
What to do if an employee makes a sexual harassment complaint
As the owner of the business, an employee may come to you and make a sexual harassment complaint about a co-worker or a supervisor. Regardless of your opinion on the validity of this complaint, you need to know what to do next and how to react. Above all else, it's...
Do friends make bad business partners?
The moment when you have an idea for a new business is an exciting time. You quickly surround yourself with friends and family who support your vision and will help motivate you to see it through. When you start moving forward, you may have a friend who seems to have...
Could your competition work together to undercut your prices?
Knowing your competition is a big part of being successful in modern business. Understanding what competitors have to offer and what they charge for similar products or services can help you better market your own brand and establish your niche in the industry....
4 things to consider in a partnership dispute
When you enter into a business partnership, there is always the risk it will fail. Any relationship between people can get complicated, especially if there is money at stake. While you can walk away from a friend you fall out with, you cannot walk away from a business...